
Peak of Perfection

  ~ should apes be human's distant ancestors ~
it is relevant, Homo sapient acquiesce
the species may not be at
 the Pinnacle of creature development//human
evolution..as presumed
…. of even greater relevance is …. 
 seeded these 



Circus in us --


  “.. When we delight over the despicable, ridiculous antics of moron-like-clowns;

     Unbeknownst to ourselves, we too, have joined the Circus..”

eARTH -- RounD

..the restless punk, was told to go West;

seek his fortune..”

      »»»» on going westward««««

India was discovered in America..”


Aim high ...


Should one have the inclination; ambition  ̷i̷t̷c̷h̷  to acquire 

 A f f l u e n ce
 H a p p i n ess
S u c c e s s
  S o p h is try 
O pu le n ce
L u x u r y
for no particular reason than
having been inspired  ̷g̷ ̷o̷ ̷a̷ ̷d̷ ̷e̷ ̷d̷ ̷ ̷ ̷o̷ ̷n̷
to be a Winner; an achiever; 
       Manipulative Media,
       Dollar-Craving  Self-Shiokers
    The ILLustrious Rich  
   wanting  to also be Famous 
heeding, subscribing, aping, dying, chasing
every tweakery of  these 
Greater • Higher • Life Giving • Death Dealing 
Gurus • Powers • Ideologies • Theologies • Niamatologies •Media• Peers   
Effectively,  one would end up
        a   Happy          
    A   H        O    L    E  

Psstt 2
Sorh Hai
circa 00o0 

Really ¿



There is no such thing as a self-made Man; [the children of which; gloriously would sing unending praises of these 
MADE-UP characters].

There is however; a glut of self-made-Maniacs: [the children of which; distance & deny any lineage-links with these 
very REAL characters.]

.. not really minding partaking of the spin-offs

                                  .. CreditsybitsyCoins ..


"..your vocation ¿


the clever clown, laughing to the bank everyday; screwingly-gleeful;
than the irrelevant Fool; in some forgotten asylum; agonizing inconsolably, having failed to reset the world; by his blueprints  who the fuck asked you to do that:anyway, reset the world. ¿

oh yeaaaaa



pîss'∂ to: 
Iñn Cårr Séråtéd


S.I.B.O Prayer

Heil Belly full of Gas,

The Bug is with thee,
Bloated art thou amongst Colon,
And bloated is the ileum of thy Tract,
Tummy Heavy, if only can fart,
pray the SIBO,
now & forever
would Depart… 
dumped to:
Park Lai Hong:
circa: 00o0