
Aim high ...


Should one have the inclination; ambition  ̷i̷t̷c̷h̷  to acquire 

 A f f l u e n ce
 H a p p i n ess
S u c c e s s
  S o p h is try 
O pu le n ce
L u x u r y
for no particular reason than
having been inspired  ̷g̷ ̷o̷ ̷a̷ ̷d̷ ̷e̷ ̷d̷ ̷ ̷ ̷o̷ ̷n̷
to be a Winner; an achiever; 
       Manipulative Media,
       Dollar-Craving  Self-Shiokers
    The ILLustrious Rich  
   wanting  to also be Famous 
heeding, subscribing, aping, dying, chasing
every tweakery of  these 
Greater • Higher • Life Giving • Death Dealing 
Gurus • Powers • Ideologies • Theologies • Niamatologies •Media• Peers   
Effectively,  one would end up
        a   Happy          
    A   H        O    L    E  

Psstt 2
Sorh Hai
circa 00o0 

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