
DUI LEI LO MO -- Or Tell Granpa to suck eggs..

In the beginning 
• Daddy gave a room for sunny; in daddy's huge mansion; to do wtf he (sunny) wants .. FREE of charge..

• after FREE stay for years, sunny ̷r̷e̷q̷u̷e̷s̷t̷s̷ ̷-̷ ̷a̷s̷k̷s̷ ̷-̷ ̷s̷e̷e̷k̷s̷,̷ ̷d̷a̷d̷d̷y̷'̷s̷ ̷p̷e̷r̷m̷i̷s̷s̷i̷o̷n̷ ̷  wants daddy to remake, rearrange, renovate, redecorate, refurbish, redo, re-wtF daddy's entire mansion into same2 as sunny's FREE of charge room - [courtesy of daddy's goodwill]

• daddy ̷h̷a̷v̷e̷ ̷t̷o̷ must say yes

• daddy -- he said: "..Becos you are sunny and I love you -- ''Dui Lei Lo Mo" you could stay FREE.." {in Cantones} In Other words -

daddy said: ".. This is MY mansion; MY room in MY mansion... and daddy again emphatically expressed his love for sunny --
Dui Lei Lo Mo"

• aaand the rest is what's       

       known as HongKongfu-uoui

It should have - but never ̷H̷A̷P̷P̷I̷L̷Y̷ ends there ..

cos many Funners & Gamers who are neither of daddy's nor sunny's family but who are overfilled with goodwill •|• charity •|• concern •|• care
[so they thought] & other wtfs good stuff
[so they thought]to contribute for good of daddy..
    & they tell daddy

You ---->daddy .. not humanitaRian,
          daddy .. no pRactease 
           human Rights
          daddy .. undemoc
          daddy..we(¿who the f°cks' we?)wanto "Dui Lei Lo Mo" too..
          daddy .. Commie..                                  
             Hong Kong
peaceful + scenic + beautiful + tourist-friendly + cosmopolitan + duty-free + full of goodies 
                the FREE + democratic West                   
         • Dui Lei Lo Mo

leek'd to
Dui Lei Lo Mo
circa 00o0


How Great Thou Art ...

R  e  a  l  i  † y : 
Procreation - a gift from God with expressed directive:
 "...go forth multiply : fill the earth.."

Non~R e a l i † y
Procreative acts only to be engaged in; with no frivolousness nor promiscuity. 
Especially Not be partaken as a joyful happy union of Affection -  nor for the sensual highs.
An act of dead serious religious  devoutness   
for HIM & for HIS glory.
              ''oh yeaaa''   ? She exclaimed
              ''oho yeaah'' ? so did He
F a c †
Few give a  butt-dried rat's excreta -- with many distancing selves from such obvious faked religiosity; purportedly expounded by Church & related others as another huMan-cookeD up statute.. more fake than faked news.. seeking to prohibitively deny a critical huMan prerogative & a very personal option ~~~
almost unfailingly for that most basic of huMan urges
 ~~«»~~ the irrepressible Greed for monetary gains  »»~~««
A constant  of  ordinary common huMan .. 

-:- R e a l i † y -:-

Species H. Sapien is as potently resilient;
as non-Extinctly viralized
exactly as was
HIS expressed Will

All Man.


Hence Some Devian† Force;
 as yet unestablished,
highly suspect 
has to be attempting nefariously, fraudulently, trying to abuse sanctioned authority 
-- to Subver† • Con†aminate • Diver† --
Divine Will.

Narrated to:
EFfing Farnéé
circa 00o0



“A Nation is Independent, Free & Fair
 only when it’s 
Leaders are Free 
 from personal demons seeking:
  •Self Gains•
  •Vain Glory•
  •Ego Trips• Empire Building•
   using the People as personal Disposables 
   as Cannon Fodder or as Casino Chips”
 é≈Xî≈bî†é∂ to
NooDLé Soopé