
How Great Thou Art ...

R  e  a  l  i  † y : 
Procreation - a gift from God with expressed directive:
 "...go forth multiply : fill the earth.."

Non~R e a l i † y
Procreative acts only to be engaged in; with no frivolousness nor promiscuity. 
Especially Not be partaken as a joyful happy union of Affection -  nor for the sensual highs.
An act of dead serious religious  devoutness   
for HIM & for HIS glory.
              ''oh yeaaa''   ? She exclaimed
              ''oho yeaah'' ? so did He
F a c †
Few give a  butt-dried rat's excreta -- with many distancing selves from such obvious faked religiosity; purportedly expounded by Church & related others as another huMan-cookeD up statute.. more fake than faked news.. seeking to prohibitively deny a critical huMan prerogative & a very personal option ~~~
almost unfailingly for that most basic of huMan urges
 ~~«»~~ the irrepressible Greed for monetary gains  »»~~««
A constant  of  ordinary common huMan .. 

-:- R e a l i † y -:-

Species H. Sapien is as potently resilient;
as non-Extinctly viralized
exactly as was
HIS expressed Will

All Man.


Hence Some Devian† Force;
 as yet unestablished,
highly suspect 
has to be attempting nefariously, fraudulently, trying to abuse sanctioned authority 
-- to Subver† • Con†aminate • Diver† --
Divine Will.

Narrated to:
EFfing Farnéé
circa 00o0

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