
Beautiful.. yet ...

The longer one lingers here; the more one [should] realize -  how  beautiful a place this is..
Though the same cannot be said of all dwellers of  here; to a man nary a cursory glance would spare mother Nature's opulence.. for almost every unique creature endowed with banality is obsessed with exercising ingrained gifts of selfishness, pride, competitiveness, jealousy and other traits; to getting what they hope to achieve..
their entire life's purpose caught up to excel ---
in what ?  
A higher purpose as a known valid objective? 
Easy ..
• just become a CHRISTIAN? 
• get wildly RICH? 
• gather a huge base of adoring fans?
•be acclaimed Master of the Universe.. as portrayed in trending media?
 That these values and goals carry no marks; score zero points - last no more than flashes in the Divine frying pan never come to thought or mind..
To a man THAT is what most chose to live & die for.
get the Comforts of LIFE; for here, for now.
  To deny;  refusing to pander to instincts of one's common human heritage; 
to strive against powerful urges; almost impossible to ignore, arising from the core of oneself - to become uncommon, thus weird but close to Divinity.
 is never a mainline goal to strive for...
New kids on any, every block are motivated with such aims; planted with such ambitious objectives
-- to the gathering of more fame, of greater fortune; of huger success: to reach  higher pinnacles of public esteem, to bag a  bigger base of adoring fans, with more points on a score chart of meaningless transience. 
   Theses dreams [nightmares?] unfailingly are drummed into them -- via Education via parental Conditioning via Scholars via Gurus of Influence & via the lures that Success hold out...
most of which unfailingly would deliver one, to a °•wasteful end {°•wasteful that the volume of allocated living breaths so wastefully were exhaled}
 ending as any other - not higher (or different) than 24feet below ground level -- or as a handful of dusty dirt in a revered porcelain jar on a mantlepiece.
    THE critical UN-quantifiable difference .. even though all are similarly  as below ground, as jarred in; as  non viable, as the other: ... 
»»is how close or how distant one is with  CREATOR after the event of the here & now««.

               Hoi who gives a tikus' fart?.

   Leaders of great, not at all great, & too, ignoble nations. .  as frenzied as fully fixed junkies; feverishly race to lead their charges; Citizens; and fellow countrymen -- toward that glorious new dawn 
for a share in that warm feeling of being highly regarded, fully respected,  for having achieved high productivity status of
                            worthless impermanence..

Hoi  who gives a snail's burp?..
not the tikus not the snail
His Excellency Lord Sir Duke S. A. Tan
    he does
         he has 
         since Adam bin Tuhan.

de•liver•ed to:
Phåñg Krîåhtéék TiuMér
circa oo0o

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