--- ‹‹›› patient ‹‹›› ---
a fellow human afflicted with poor health, illness & related issues; for which the medical practitioner has sworn an oath to alleviate the sufferings of;
but he is instead labeled
that indicates ::
a wrongly called medical practitioner
more suited perhaps to
•hocking crockery •accounts clerking •home cleaning •chauffeuring a rich guy's 3rd concubine •assistant trash manager@ pizza parlour •politician's side income's bookeeper •Greenpeace activist's organic coffeeCup washer •priest's tunic launderer •druggist's mortar & pestle operator •safe-cracker's look-out •trainee police constable's stoolie •notetaker of mutual-profits organization's clerk •pesticide stock-keeper at fruit farm •curbside grasscutter's trashbag disposer •pawnshop assistant's assistant •condom supplier to whore-house —
any other job at all which does not carry the image of perceived honorable nobility; would be more suited; for such a one;
with such a mindset, attitude & ignoble approach
to a traditionally highly regarded profession:
---which though has not, does not, is unable hence;
cannot perform miraculous resurrections;
nor actuated any effectiveness toward nullifying the terminal virulence of most diseases; than to push ineffective temporary chemical concoctions as palliative & relief ..
such attitude seemingly pervades other just as highly regarded professional callings.. it is scarey to imagine the non-professionalism likely to be
dished out.
Unless the one called is also chosen and performs
unlike the rest of the normal, common huMan in the Malls
in this
in case the clinics
shared surreptitiously :
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