
Såmé ∂éRéñcé

..the difference between the Boss
& the Fool 


one makes Sh•† happen

the other makes Manure happen, 


Hatch'oo'd 2:
Eh Roh Sole
circa 00o0


Obé∂îéñ† Sérvåñ†..


Såmé Dîfféréñcé ...

 ..making  GREAT »»
                need more than just intention, farted
with braggadocio; balderdash; bling.

GREAT »»               
                 need cheap publicity; media blasts, unstoppable, long range, repeater-amplifier, farted
with braggadocio; balderdash; bling.


flåüñ†∂ 2:
Jåzz ∂ø î†
circa 00o0



Dark Glow


Second Look



My Grandpa Says

"..seeing what's real,
and knowing what's not,
need more than 20-20 vision.."