
Death by BAT-bull-shit

Bats don’t L̷i̷e̷  fly in broad daylight
why the need to fake;
pretend to count, 
proudly ᏰᏒᏗᎶ 
   daily; every.moment.. everyday 
   via   tweets;  by twats;
   & thru every publicly available media

how ingenious the leaders were to cook up;   
a miraculous [?] antidote/vaccine  
 concocted nobly;
        under extreme battle-field-like conditions 
so gallantly,  mass produced,  {?at GUN point¿}       
to rescue, save the billions of  {poor thing} victims; from an early death 
                           BAT-Bullshit poison # 19

had that BAT not been disembowelled-gene-reArranged-resected-skewered-sodomized- may be even guantanamo'd

                        »» to defecate Poison #19 ««
no vaccine manufacturer         ... need be glorified
no medical healer/practitioner
                                                ... need be celebrated 
no newer gods
                                                ... need be adored
[by no global victims]
who gives a hoot or an effing nannie.boo; 
who continues to live in luxurious comfort
who is to be sacrificially done in purportedly; 
by an anonymous diarrhoea'd BAT 
nothing's changed .. 
         the living : still die
         the dying still want not to.
numerous grabbers of opportunities, though; never had added more gold in their banks - ever  
than if that
                BAT never flew
                by light of [clear & transparent] day
                by the darkness of [concealed -undercover] night
































DefiGatored to:
Por.†éé Tråî.Ning
circa 00o0


𝓕ℜĔɆ ℱüᵰɇRăȽ: ˜nØ Fréé Lüñch


If  new  LIFE  can  even  be 


    from  being  birthed;


how  is  it  so




Plastic pollution..?




exit plan'd by:
Tua hau seow
 circa 00o0

𐂅ḒŰȵǥ = ˝GÖǑĐ


Presumption based on good feelings;

charitable, kind regard,

  for all peoples; regardless;

»» ¿ all man were made equal ¿ ««


given carte blanche

in  inter-Human relationships

.. transactions .. dealings ..

makes  abundant opportunities 


for the many created





Cørkéd Scréw'∂ to
Kéñ Øpéññîr
circa 00o0


Ɏȅɐȧ Ťȟɘŕɇś ĦȰṔƐ ŜṪȉȽḶ




࿓ 𐐖𐐅𐐅𐐔 ᎡᎯ𐠒 •• ᛔ𐌀ᗠ R𐃂𐠙 𐃇

...when the alluring, overwhelming gains; from thievery; cheating corruption & other human enterprise of rebalancing unequality --
     enticingly beckon the Exterminator - rat catcher;
    who faced with a daily never-ever-ending
    To be done List; 
    he needed to sweat over with bloody tears :
 -- •• --
$ewage Rat$ fouling up the system
$implé $imoné$ Rat$ running dog racing racket$
Chickenburger$ Frenchié pizzarella$ Rat$; fronting illegal gambling joint$
& other non-rodent vermin$
all needing to be apprehended & exterminated
-- •• --
°°°°°° °°°°°° °
why would any sane Rat-catching exterminator, persists ? 
knowing its all for insufficient pittance, at the end of his rat catching days ..?
-- the list of his curses, profanities, vulgarities, & other expletives -- ¶‡

• •••••• ••••••

That unreal, impractical, atypical weirdness, of character that marks/separates  

 Dedicated rat catchers,
Deviated ex-Rat catchers;
now reverted to RATs

with this

 rats &  rat catchers  •• both same sub species ••
  might be made  into exotic residents
              found only in a little-known town 

Syurgaga | Heawhen


that's why

who; the rat
who; the rat catcher ?

ratted to:
Péréz T. Syed: 
circa 00o0