
A Star -- again?

the objective in living seemingly
to make oneself attain high visibility
Be a Star
blinding   ̷b̷r̷i̷l̷l̷i̷a̷n̷c̷e̷ ̷  glare
«« even notoriety »»
As long as maximum hits are generated on one's   social media sites;
so long as THE focus
is on oneself
                               «» forever «»

Besides food, water, shelter; which are established essential, basic human necessities.
For many with that trendiness foremost in mind;
to be relevant
& be regarded as STAR quality
is even more essential
more than LIFE itself.
with countless many; willing to even discard that precious Divine gift
i.e. die
for a flash of

for which neither the worms;
nor maggots; are at all, even interested in
       : the acquisition of these coveted :       
                            . STATURE .
Since no one has ever come across, or seen a maggot or a worm walking around wanting to be acclaimed as a
is in itself confirmation.
if maggots and worms are disinterested in THAT $tardom one so desparately seeks;
would the CREATOR be impressed ?

How one was conditioned into that mode --
was how the EAST •WEST• NORTH• SOUTH &    elseANYwhere • was  ̷W̷O̷N̷ ̷  Screwed

simple; unclear
                   easily ingested (baby-food)
                   fast trek shortcuts
                   to succcess(?)
             -   f a m e
             -   wealth  
             -   glo r y
not ḛ͇̰v̰͇̰a̰͇̰ forgetting
             -  $tardom -
    A place in History

What place
in  whose History
      with whom  Till when


HOLYwood HOLYbollywood HOLYcnn
HOLYcna HOLYfoxnew HOLYmultiMedia
HOLYpropaganda HOLYmiss.information via HOLYhi-techNOlogic
HOLY ünstoppable W.W.W.
H- O - L -E in da ground

Who cares?

misin†erred to:
Krim A Ted:
circa 00o0


NUT$ HOU$ing

If asylums were to be built; not
for the mentally challenged,
or compromised in-mates; as appropriate should be;
  but as holding; detention centers for the everyday.people; who insist on dancing to own tunes - regardless of who what where when how ...
   the size of an entire continent; as huge as the USA; would have to be found. 
No fear .. be assured such a Facility has already been built;
  it is overly crowded;
  with plans to keep out,
  restrict new admissions.

The greater WALL is being built.

confessed to:
Inn Kahsir Ate


EXTREME unction..

Square Pegs can be made to fit Round Holes
Square Pegs squarely refuse to be so fitted
Round Holes can be made to accommodate Square Pegs
Round Holes roundly refuse to be so reconfigured 
Along came The Xøp´†Eeå∫R
   [Enforcer of No.Other.Options
who  sitting down quietly beside the Peg$•Hole$
Made  them know with 

         what will take place 
            --  otherwise --
to a PegHole /man
Square pegs became round   - to fit holes

Round holes became square - fitting pegs

Peace again reigns

dispensed by
Axe S†rah Konek


Trendy Glam -- come what may..

List of  highly glam names for new born & neonates:
      Muslim Pakistan: Koveed Nainteen bin XXX ::
      Muslim                 : Siti Nurcovidaliza binte Mohd XXX ::
      Chinese              : Kenny G Kovit XXX [G = for added glam] ::
      Indian                  : Arumunicovid a/l XXX ::
       Sikh                    : Pitam Mohkovid Singh ::

Self Test..

Self test to confirm virulence of biological specimen 

Does the specimen in any manner, shape or form 
                     by actions or by inaction
                     by speech or by signs
                     by put ons: skins or feathers
                     by material acquisitions or honorifics
                     by hook or by crook
                     by legalised or counterfeit means
                     by every concieveable device it could muster vis:
                    spins falsehood, hint, drop names     
                    attempt to magnify its tinyness
should speciman return any positives
                   for any one of above criteria
             It is ALIVE 
              It is not COVID19
            It is Human
     A greater danger to viability of other life forms

åñaLIE$ by:
circa 00o0


••More Than••

                            a once Happy•go•Lucky people, after a life-time, are pummeled/shaped/melded into
Anesthetists who more    
 than Anesthestify
Bankers who more than Bankify
Consultants who more than Consultify
Dietitians who more then Dietify
Electricians who more than Electrify
Fabricators who more than       
Gastroenterologists who more than     
Horticulturists  who more than  
Investigators who more than 
Judges who more than Judgify
Kleptomaniacs who more than 
Lawyers  who more than Lawyerify
Managers who more than Managify
Nurses who more than Nursify
Oncologists who more than Oncologify
Politicians who more than Politify
Queers who more than Queerify
Rescuers who more than Rescuify
Stewards  who more than Stewardify
Therapists who more than Terrorify
Urologists who more than Urologify
Virologists who more than Virologify
Wuhantus who more than Wuhanify 
X-raters who more than X-ratify
Yoyos who more than Yoyify
Zoologists who more than Zoologify
          isn't it such a great agenda..
almost everyone = highly qualified.
The once happy.gone.lucky.nowhere people..are ALL well trained.
But good only for self CONsumption.. 
The leader 
suffered from
a More Than Agenda/Syndrome
 aka Ambition/Dream 
which turned the people's potential Happi into a Nightmare

 Happy ending  ««Ω«« 
         nothing is forever..
                 Leader lost his job


what you want some more .. arh?

grammarify to:
Eddie Katezen
cicca 00o0