
be Kind to ...

The P醮io†

     When a powerful man is insulted, humiliated; in any way had his Ego bruised, it could be the start of a war.. depending on how huge his Ego & how powerful the man.
The subsequent venting of the powerfillED man's wrath usually would have the many lives of uninvolved others; being sacrificed… 
these sacrificed heroes are then glorified as the UNKNOWN soldier
»»» posthumously «««
The heroes' bereaved hear much stirring eulogies/praiseworthy rhetorics,
about her\his loved one(s)
in an enacted pomp-filled CEREMONY
the bereaved get presented;
--- with cannons firing (cannons need be fired) 
a piece of cloth known as 
THE Flag
so creaselessly well folded it appeared of immense great worth :---
     in terms of food; as comfort for lonely solace; on empty days • nights
  which the UNKNOWN soldier/dead heroes could provide

  were he/she not made dead
               as the UNKNOWN soldier..
all for the bruised Ego of a power.filled man                                                                                                       •• Replaced with a piece of cloth ••
 F  L  A  G
                     When a dog is •insulted & abused• 
dogs have ego, pride, self worth 
 ~ similar to a human's~
         [give it a go, try mess with a dog]
•• that insult, abuse is more likely to evoke retaliatory aggression. 

The animal would be classified; without much ado i.é. with much a don't 
                         Rabid, måDog
The Empowered human’s reaction
 «--» launching; declaring War «--»
•• in response to insult, humiliation, being placed in public odium; 
would be recorded in history as defense of
 ñoble•ñational•ethñics•religionlinked ideals    worthwhile dying for   -- (who is doing the dying)
  Whilst the animal’s hostility would receive scant more notice than that accorded a crazed dog
      a well aimed shot to the canine's cranium.  
Yet both retaliatory acts bear remarkable  similarity in the display of  aggressiveness
 in retaliation to insult; humiliation; Ego bruising; shaming..
-- both Man's & his best friend's
 • dog  «»  reacts with teeth, nails, claws.
• Man  «»  reacts using mass-death dealing weapons : 

           to make unknown soldiers/Heroes
            {•} on both sides of the WAR {}
The empowered Man's act of ordering, declaring War, sending ordinary, common folks, who would rather just live out their lives doing their own thing 
                         to go die 
 justification, acclaim; admiration; praises; accolades
 in historical records: glossed over as courageous/honorable/proper/right response to uphold
 «« w H a T »»
   when ALL is dead and gone; 
as sure would be ; transient leaves, insignificant
   blown off in the windy swell of Time
these courageous acts of 
& every other ISM (sic) of making lonely widows, widowers, orphans
 would be read by.. 
who? what? when?
be recorded in 
the BOOK of 
As før the dog
 an ungloriøus ending
responding to same Insul† 
 Is reason why man
avoid at all cost, 

scrambling like mådøg$
to Nø† live 
 A dog's life. 

😉 💀 😎


barkED by k9

@Ung Moh $in
circa: 00o0


Season's Greetings

0 Yeaaah ...

Everyone knows
                           ≈ by & of itself ≈
sugar does not kill
                        • alcohol does not kill
overweight does not kill
                        • being poor does not kill
being irreligious does not kill
                      joblessness does not kill
lacking academic qualifications does not kill
                      gambling does not kill
over spending does not kill
  » except those experts ¿ specialized, professionals¿ who don’t seem to know otherwise «
  Everyone knows. Has no credentials to so say.

 Everyone knows too:
never having been to London to looked at the Queen does not kill
being angry and negative does not kill
not having loved nor felt love does not kill
• being adamant, bull-headeded, stubborn does not kill
snoring does not kill
  » except those experts ¿ specialized, professionals¿ who don’t seem to know otherwise «
Everyone knows, too;
miserliness does not kill
self-centered-ness does not kill
failure in life does not kill
being uncivil to others does not kill

  » except those experts ¿ specialized, professionals¿ who don’t seem to know otherwise «
what everyone knows as facts: with no absolute authentication : no one is telling anyone else..

   » except those experts ¿ specialized, professionals¿ who don’t seem to know otherwise «
    is telling everyone else:
             with whom to go..
               which way to go..    
                 when to go..
                    how to go ..
and every other stuff.. everyone ALREADY knows..
Despite all that disregarded expertise:
                                 is  real  good
if any sh•t were given to those experts, specialists, professionals plus all their disregarded expertise:
   L.I.F.E. as known, may be so unbearable,     difficult & unhappy, that everyone might like dogs in the ubiquitously, happenstancely, unavoidably visible, almost  anywhere; queues 
--noses to butts - to noses to butts - to noses to butts - to noses to butts -
 be following the Experts, Specialists & Professionals --               
 & finishing no further, 
     no different, 
     not much richer 
     nor more deprived 
     of a
       L.i.f.e experience, too.
which EVERYONE already knows
         is how              
                                   is, has been, will be,
             [ should be (?)]


inSîńUnã†Ed to:
ELFoń$ó Ñöē O®edï
circa 00o0