
Gone to Ashes.. ..

& breathed fire too!
Being reptilian they would be herbivores; poor dental hygiene would have fibrous vegetable remnants festering, decaying; rotting in between the teeth in huge cavernous mouths; with sword-sized incisors; scimitar-sharp-canines; pummeling-pulverizing-pre-molars; battering-ram-powered-molars;
plus other as yet undocumented masticating dentine structures; would present a high likelihood, that from their enormous buccal cavities;
considerable volumes of pungent-awesomely-foul odours;
would be given out: emitted from tons of rotting vegetation-derived left overs from their -yåpe†i-châpé†i meals; in gaseous form. swamp gas; methane;


when their opposing gigantic dentures chaw down;


flying sparks igniting
          BIOMethane loaded DRAGONic bad breath
                       fire-breathing Dragons..



               blew theirselves to extinction

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