
¥eåa - Gøod JøB .. ¿


 Serve$ him right

              is more satisfyingly muttered under the breath °°

several nights in a row, 
                                    with free food & drinks thrown in

no need for invitation:

            need only faked concern
                                      & impersonal participation

in the chanting of religion-linked/mantras/doa/prayers

                                      purportedly to  

hasten the guy to wherever he’s headed..
to deservedly get his just desserts.. 
                                          the Wake. 
                                                              of a friend


                                    <> <> <> <> ||||||  <> <> <> <>


  Than to

     Serve him right
with every conceivable help
  and assistance
 -- when the guy is alive; 
     in need of real comfort.

he has always managed on his own.. & besides
              why would I, of all people, have to serve him ..                                                                                               why me ¿
Let the other Såam Ahri Tans do it; they do it better !



And Yeeaah

  don’t we love god


     «»»««« |||||| »»»»»»    









The silen† L i s T e n e r

   to every chîtty-chit cha† cha†s

    $mîrkéd : Knowingly : Satisfyingly :

Job Almost Done

 pssst: his  widow's rather wholesome looking  ya?
dizz'd 2
circa 00o0

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