
You can be whatever ..


 testing  globalånålization.   

..that uninvited, unwelcomed, 
queerly weird, Quixotic itch
    to want to -|-
                    set others free
                    install human rights 
enforce civil liberties
ensure gender equality 
install universal suffrage
  hook or by crook or  by  C r o ss, 
   with cannons, by guns,
   by  devastating nuclear devices,
 newer fangled never as yet seen subtler.nasties.. 
which effectively culminate in erasure of
        every purpose, joy, thrills, frivolous knick knacks;
from every man, woman, child, cat, dog, rat, hog, cow, bee, fly....-
 anyone; anywho, at all, 
 with vim, vigour or zest for Life.  
There always will be a
repeat rerun
 of this Queer Quixotism
 that sure and certainly
world be more screwed skewered,
than if left to itself.

from whither comes that itchy urge to wannabe 
That great saviour 
the LOVE-filled liberator
& supremo hero;
when in the grey fînålé 
 the worm & it's crew of undertakers
that's going to get it all
 inappropriate i d e a l i s m 
gone sour / south
with every new kid on the blob
the cycle is reinforced, continued
 force fed 
  THE staple diet of 
deluded expectations
of limitless
--to establish


soup Kitchen'd to:
Hüñg Grîé..Gøés†
circa 00o0


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