
꧁༺AmBITion ༻꧂ ..

   how a C h a m p was UNravelled
...after Life was gifted [by Santa Clause?] with a chance to excel, 
{as one collective Race; homo sapient}
 the immediate next day...almost every individual is
encouraged, cajoled, motivated to be 
the Bé$†
the ONE
C • H • A • M • P
 syruptitiously  surreptitiously whispered
 into starry-eyed ears of every
about-to-be-french-fried Flies; by His highness Sir S.A.Tan
"..pssst,! Hoi, why chose be an ordinary nameless nonentity,
an unknown? neither rich nor famous ?
when you can be a Hero? Why stay Unhappy -- lose out?
when you could be the T•O•P gun, the big D•o•G, the WiññEr•  
 C H A M P?"
|||||||   |||||||
 this following is
            The whole TRUTH & nothing but the 
" .. and here .
  Lies the Grand LO  S  E  R ..
the Race called MÅN "

whispered to:
Tsai Koh TheRapist:


.. beyond the pointy pricks..





claims that repeating a lie often enough
 would make it true,
 is as correct, & as workably successful,
as ancient alchemists' attempts
 to make gold
from muddiest sh•t, 
commonest trash,
and yes..
sophisticated sewage from high places
--yes there is such--.

Any lie; however promoted, propagandized;
however wide-spread, how oft repeated;
uptil & after; water flowed & dried up;
 on earth’s crusty moon;
will only get that LIE more heard, more exposed, 
more circulated;
[Which in many cases would have served it's intended purpose]

like deadly germs, killer bugs from batsh•t; 
would only result in getting it viralized.
the untruthful-ness;
the fake-ness;
the sewage-ness
all nicely packaged 
matured, sophisticated deodorized euphemism   
remain as untrue
as it ever was
lied about
• • • | • • •





No Søl∂îér is ever UNknown ..

     from whom¿
Wårs åmøñg mAñ wéré øftén clåiméd  ås wøn 
by thé Vîctørîøüs ?LEADERs
whø wéré névér wRong & neither évér did
 †héy do B円lé too!
whîlst thé Løsérs were for as long as can be:-
made to appear as ñéver Rîght 
of course ∂éå∂.
Vîc†ørîés clåîmé∂ Wøñ;
åré ñøthîñg møré thåñ P醆¥ mîñ∂é∂ AssHølés' blowing øff øf their Hügé péñt-üp åñgst
øvérfløwîñg EgOés; the üñléåshîñg of  répréssé∂  üñhåppîñéss, vîå
Bîg, måss kîllîñg îñcéñ∂îåry ∂îcks 
also known as
BIG cock/manhood/macho
Whéñ bøth wîññÉRs & LøsÉRs; sévérålly 
tøgéthér, wéré, in fact; scréwéd üp  
 • TîghTly & prøpéRly
høw cøüld wrøñG
bé évér tåkéñ, çøñs†rüé∂
          whéñ frøm the s†år î            
 névér wås Cørréc
      Thé bø∂îés øf ∂éå∂ -- ñø† Uñkñøwñ søldîérs
wî†h réåL-LIFé 
 --- béréåvé∂ påréñ†'s ---
béårîñg †és†îmøñy 








  ¿ is shame on you sufficient ? 




N bull


¥eåa - Gøod JøB .. ¿


 Serve$ him right

              is more satisfyingly muttered under the breath °°

several nights in a row, 
                                    with free food & drinks thrown in

no need for invitation:

            need only faked concern
                                      & impersonal participation

in the chanting of religion-linked/mantras/doa/prayers

                                      purportedly to  

hasten the guy to wherever he’s headed..
to deservedly get his just desserts.. 
                                          the Wake. 
                                                              of a friend


                                    <> <> <> <> ||||||  <> <> <> <>


  Than to

     Serve him right
with every conceivable help
  and assistance
 -- when the guy is alive; 
     in need of real comfort.

he has always managed on his own.. & besides
              why would I, of all people, have to serve him ..                                                                                               why me ¿
Let the other Såam Ahri Tans do it; they do it better !



And Yeeaah

  don’t we love god


     «»»««« |||||| »»»»»»    









The silen† L i s T e n e r

   to every chîtty-chit cha† cha†s

    $mîrkéd : Knowingly : Satisfyingly :

Job Almost Done

 pssst: his  widow's rather wholesome looking  ya?
dizz'd 2
circa 00o0


Såmé ∂éRéñcé

..the difference between the Boss
& the Fool 


one makes Sh•† happen

the other makes Manure happen, 


Hatch'oo'd 2:
Eh Roh Sole
circa 00o0


Obé∂îéñ† Sérvåñ†..


Såmé Dîfféréñcé ...

 ..making  GREAT »»
                need more than just intention, farted
with braggadocio; balderdash; bling.

GREAT »»               
                 need cheap publicity; media blasts, unstoppable, long range, repeater-amplifier, farted
with braggadocio; balderdash; bling.


flåüñ†∂ 2:
Jåzz ∂ø î†
circa 00o0



Dark Glow


Second Look



My Grandpa Says

"..seeing what's real,
and knowing what's not,
need more than 20-20 vision.."








Huat Derr Fharg ..

Filthy Rich & InFamous
How Desperate people try Fakery

...the need itch of the rich, famous, & powerful personalities; in refusing to live a lifestyle of mediocrity, insisting, as a birth-right; to live only at the pinnacle of opulence;
has coerced many of such ilk; to evolve a unique skill/talent

t h e
       G l i b        🐍🐍🐍       T o n g u e
                 historically, applied over eons:
The rich & famous - 
The adored & The admired:
The Heroes & Champions..
     to misshaped the destiny of countless tinier gears, cogs, nuts, bolts, screws, wheels, who make up; live in the same [only] global community.
          most of whom are unbothered; that such
                                       (same class of poisons as)
will infused/Cøñtaminate their reservoir of contentment..
muddy their easy-going good life: taken by them, with a naivetté as an unchangeable God given.
which; unbeknownst to them; will soon be upturned; unbalanced.
humanicides has scant regard for the lesser ones;
                 or for any   one; who are regarded as so many tiny pieces of disposable nuisance items, obstacles: clogging up their route to a luxurious   
               earth bound heaven.

Unlike other   -cides;
          humani -cides do not kill outright;
          there-in lie, their effectiveness.
The unGodly ability; unassociated with the Divine, [at all]
 of making profound statements on unsubstantiated
 Earth breaking non-facts
then ramping up the cooked up bluff:
to the highest threat level of imminent Earth-shattering-ness possible;
       not only to appear as being
                                       Cøñsented to:
                                       Sanctioned by: 
Internationally Assembled Bodies vis UN
          [filled with similarly as unconcerned, 
                              as unbothered; more admired, more adored biggER; richER & famousER personalities]
but that

      Inconvenient †ruth 

Surf'd to:
Huatt Derr Fharg
circa 00o0


And the WINNER is...

            My Grandpa Says

“...when one guy's dominating many; 
that’s  Totalitarianism;
that'ś   Communism, 
that's Nasty Nazism;
that's Megalomania;
that's Despotism, 
that's unacceptably dehumanising. 
                    No No No..
 "...When many guys dominate few; 
              that’s business;  as usual..”

pushed to
Smell Ling BAAD


The Drug of choice --



All you  great punters Leaders can hope you're exempt  from dying

"..  over almost every populated area of the globe, people are dropping off like bats flies ;

yet great national casino punters leaders; fearlessly; disregarding, the threat to personal safety & likelihood of becoming as dead as flies, bats or just plain dead;

are deep in consultation;

bickering, scratching, clawing, bitching, shamelessly; like uncivilized barbarians trying to out-manuever each other

to dedicate their untiring efforts to try help »»

themselves into top-dog / bottom bitch positions with former retired expired dead-wood axed ministers jumping in trying for another roll in the lucrative cesspool

A pharmaceutical giant has concocted an effective 3•in•1 vaccine, to counter the deadly after effects of          

 delusions of grandiose immortality     

Covid #19

       by splicing strands of neutered, i.e. emasculated, eunuch'd
 & naturally occurring, human DNA


It's marketed as:


drükkéd 2
circa 00o0