
Yes- meaning ..

The American president, great among man :
         Abraham [Ibrahim] Lincoln : 

“  ..Most human beings has Good; Noble; Honest; Pure; True
      & other worthy values                  ::  Some of the time
      Less of such admirable values    ::  Most of the time
     None has All of these values        ::  All of the time           .. "
 and someone did'nt hesitate to add : 
                         until one is dead   ::
                         & reverts to dirt   ::   ALL of the time; 
then  it don't matter anymore   ::  Anytime.
 It does matters,  even more; then;
... when life, having been made great from such noble values, enacted &   actuated,
It's  fullness, would only be realized;
when in the  THEREbefore ..
when one is with Lincoln & others of similar great ilk.. 
having aced the select purpose & reason,
for which this entire [seeming] meaninglessness was about ...
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KonStéé Tui shén  
Circa 00o0

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