
Yeeaaaaa..Happy days..?

  some guy Speare; William; Shaker, something or other; declared  once....
          »»»   The World is a Stage «««
ALL are actors  -each playing certain parts
     And ever since  --intelligent folks being what they were -  placed their money on that ..
     Fact is -  the world never was; never is - a Stage 
  as in a Play, or a Drama.
      The world is where ALL Life live, trying to thrive.. striving to obtain what each Life-filled creature aims to attain ..
       However, being far from a perfect place; there are many unusually intelligent life - [human at that] which persist on insisting, 
  That this world IS indeed a STAGE 
                             with an ongoing Play 
                               and a Drama - where
these wannabes .. [with & without talents] demand they be given 
                          The Lead MAIN Role 
                                  TOP Billing . 
which is why they INSIST this is a STAGE
Wannabes like these : though few in numbers :
»» control: hold the reins : call the shots: change the game(life's a game?)  and most of these small numbers are in the Driver's seat ««
      : generally on the peak of 
                                      the heap
                                          the hill
                                              the pile 
                                      the Stage

 As for the rest who though many 
but are not so on TOP--  for them--happy days came
                                   far too quickly
                               --- left ..
many such actors truly did make HORROR movies; Scarey Plays & Disastrous dramas
                 -|-    whilst they were on TOP   -|-

nehRĂ„†ED to:
Stubb Orn Lee 
circa oo0o

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