
Unknown Warrior ...

  The Unknown warrior 
        -as dead & as hard 
    The Fallen Soldier
       -as dead & as cold --
  carved from Granite  - as cold  & as hard-- 
stand silent .....
whilst from rostrums 
Stirring calls, verbose speeches are spewed..
««  extolling sterling virtues  »»
•• Love for Nation • Sacrifice • Bravery • 
Exhortation made to give ALL  for Country
to unflinchingly lay one's LIFE down, to dare Die.
 In order the illustrious patRIOTic Leader$
   who loves  ̷t̷h̷e̷ ̷N̷a̷t̷i̷o̷n̷  his Spouse ñø 1 
                & his  Spouse ñø 2
       & off shoots of  his Spouse ñø 3
could all at rostrum next to likely spouse ñø %^&°
      stand TALL & PROUD
 make like
     ««« honoring, saluting, hero-ing »»»
The  Unknown  warrior
The Fallen Hero
    who as hard as granite - is as dead 
 in order that :
FLAG ««piece of cloth»» could flutter high in wind ~~
so that ~
NATION's «« soil-earth - piece of real estate »»
      ° repute  ° integrity ° pride ° prestige °
 • preserved • respected • honored • championed •
Wooow great comfort indeed -- would that bring 
•*•*•*•*• •*•*•*•*• •*•*•*•*• •*•*•*•*• •*•*•*•*••*•*•*•*• •*•*•*•*• •*•*•*•*• •*•*•*•*• •*•*•*•*••*•*•*•*• •*•*•*•*• •*•*•*•*• •*•*•*•*• •*•*•*•*•    •*•*•*•*• •*•*•*•*• •*•*•*•*•
•weeping widows • fatherless orphans • bereaved parents • brotherless siblings  •
left.. shattered
for them there is no UNKNOWN warrior

there is no UNKNOWN Fallen Hero
  they all are Known  ~~~~~~~~~~~     as spouses
as fathers
as brothers
  as loved ones, lost, gone ...
mourned over • wept for • grievously missed      
                       for ever & always

Hey! LEADER of great Country/Nation/Team
Stand Tall..?
Stand Proud..?
 for what you done..  should not you be standing Trial

widowing a wife
 orphaning a child 
bereaving a parent

«» whimsically «» fancifreely«» flippantly «»
 just to satisfy an Effing Ego
tickle flagging manhood 
you needed a booster shot be fired
  it feels good too -- being so easily doable
»»» besides «««
 who dare give  a flying effing skroo
   if  the UNKNOWN warriors'
• stone • cold • granite •   

Complan® to :
Gøh Gåîk Pøké∂
circa 00o0

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