
Unknown Warrior ...

  The Unknown warrior 
        -as dead & as hard 
    The Fallen Soldier
       -as dead & as cold --
  carved from Granite  - as cold  & as hard-- 
stand silent .....
whilst from rostrums 
Stirring calls, verbose speeches are spewed..
««  extolling sterling virtues  »»
•• Love for Nation • Sacrifice • Bravery • 
Exhortation made to give ALL  for Country
to unflinchingly lay one's LIFE down, to dare Die.
 In order the illustrious patRIOTic Leader$
   who loves  ̷t̷h̷e̷ ̷N̷a̷t̷i̷o̷n̷  his Spouse ñø 1 
                & his  Spouse ñø 2
       & off shoots of  his Spouse ñø 3
could all at rostrum next to likely spouse ñø %^&°
      stand TALL & PROUD
 make like
     ««« honoring, saluting, hero-ing »»»
The  Unknown  warrior
The Fallen Hero
    who as hard as granite - is as dead 
 in order that :
FLAG ««piece of cloth»» could flutter high in wind ~~
so that ~
NATION's «« soil-earth - piece of real estate »»
      ° repute  ° integrity ° pride ° prestige °
 • preserved • respected • honored • championed •
Wooow great comfort indeed -- would that bring 
•*•*•*•*• •*•*•*•*• •*•*•*•*• •*•*•*•*• •*•*•*•*••*•*•*•*• •*•*•*•*• •*•*•*•*• •*•*•*•*• •*•*•*•*••*•*•*•*• •*•*•*•*• •*•*•*•*• •*•*•*•*• •*•*•*•*•    •*•*•*•*• •*•*•*•*• •*•*•*•*•
•weeping widows • fatherless orphans • bereaved parents • brotherless siblings  •
left.. shattered
for them there is no UNKNOWN warrior

there is no UNKNOWN Fallen Hero
  they all are Known  ~~~~~~~~~~~     as spouses
as fathers
as brothers
  as loved ones, lost, gone ...
mourned over • wept for • grievously missed      
                       for ever & always

Hey! LEADER of great Country/Nation/Team
Stand Tall..?
Stand Proud..?
 for what you done..  should not you be standing Trial

widowing a wife
 orphaning a child 
bereaving a parent

«» whimsically «» fancifreely«» flippantly «»
 just to satisfy an Effing Ego
tickle flagging manhood 
you needed a booster shot be fired
  it feels good too -- being so easily doable
»»» besides «««
 who dare give  a flying effing skroo
   if  the UNKNOWN warriors'
• stone • cold • granite •   

Complan® to :
Gøh Gåîk Pøké∂
circa 00o0


Why ...

… Holding on to defective, detrimental principles & ideology — from which much Human misery had resulted & persistent adherence to such, does not equate:


                .. not in the least.
Maintaining, continuing in such direction, unwaveringly; when obvious negatives are starkly staring back & displayed, on every misery-laden countenance; tantamounts to treason & betrayal,
broken trust, to the ones supposedly being led, guided, helped along their journey — of life.
          Denouncing, rejecting
leaders with such poor traits & values, should neither be taken as displaying uncertainty; disloyalty, instability of character, nor equivocalness..            
         Quite the opposite; insisting & selecting leaders with ability to assimilate changes, willingness to  r e-chart alternate course; owning up earlier decisions were poorly formulated -
             - all for the greater good -
is a
character trait; much desired - tragically rare, when elected ones are mandated to show the route...   

Leaders, public administrators; when chosen with such lack .. would never mystify posterity, when the societies they so helmed.. defunct itselves .. disappearing into the murkiness of such leaders’ cleverly crafted nightmares, held out & sold as glorious ideals, attainable goals; dreams assuredly making a great immemorial  Nation
(¿immemorial = a faint vague memory?)
   A rock is good only as a rock ..  Unbending, inflexible, persistant, great qualities for rocks; good for rocks - only.  
            huMans never - are NOT... rocks -hence should never act as rocks. 
  Pronouncements, public declarations, from Public Officials, Administrators, managers, guardians of the people's well-being, good living & desired destiny; though grandiose sounding & tailored to evoking in the people, love for nation, love [too -more in fact] for the official$ .. are of  as much worth as B-grade movie stars' flaunted, superficialities - skin deep, impermanent & worth as skin only is worth.
   Far from being indicative of best operating procedures for anyone; high sounding hollow empty programs actualy
are a bane, a drain of valuable invested human resources; a waste of irrecoverable time & energy devoted through personal sacrifices,

-totally tragic, especially for the ones so shepherded.
   Appropriately, such verbal mouthing, verbose & exhilarating on the ears, should be  accorded as much credence as
that - equally voluminous, just as potent- emanates issuing from the nether orifice »»» at the far end from which these vocal attempts to garner

                  EXtended TENure;                                 
              for these much sort after 
             Public Position$; 
                                     »»»are being spewed forth. 
  Those seat$ in public office, must truly be of immense worth; when even general ridicule; repulsive public odium; are overlooked, endured, frivolously wiped away.. like so much impotent, benign rain water, off a flint-hard waxed surface.
  That glory; transient and just as brief - a spark arcing in the
plug of internal combustion engines

 —•~~ must truly be worth plenty.... from the long queues of wannabes 
                   «°» in long line$. «•». 
all set - all ready to trade their all, 
     their everyhing, willingly, to [unknowingly]   secure eventual 
D å mn å † i ø ñ.

° |||||| |||||| |||||| °
~~~~~~~~~~°~~~ • ~~°~~~ •~~°~~ ~~


who cares  
does an¥one give a skero0o..

intimed to
üñg Bée Léîvé
circa 00o0


Yeaaaa! sure can..

 to make oneself heard & seen  .. using the availability on the WEB of a multiplex of communicative applications,  freely available, meant  to generate  commerce and garner gains (ill-gotten?) has bred in ordinary, common, everyday, otherwise happy go lucky people a {perverse (¿)} hope, a misplaced expectation of becoming Admired and applauded STARs. Ohh yes how most LOVE, crave to become Stars.         
Not content with just star status .. the even higher ultimate (double? triple ?)whammy of having their faces/mug shots..carved into the hills of Dakota; next to the founding fathers {of the USA}

 That similar vain glorious dream, delusion, wish of many, is what makes the world what it now is;
 Inevitably with preset ideas and motivations like such, encouraged and nurtured by :
“.. yea! you can be anything you wish.. if you put your heart and mind to it ..”
 from doting parents; dated, antiquated grandparents; mentors seeking to earn extra career star points .. and other POSITIVEs laden misGUIDEs
• wide eyed slugs, to get imbued with unREAL confidence
“..Oh yeaa I could be the POTUS…”
• cacing tanah (earthworms) to initiate their 5 aortic arches/hearts and mind(¿) to try be Pee EM Prime Minister
miscreants - clever, smart,  (not scrupulous) to initiate efforts to divert the Endless Possibilities, into personal accounts.

With minds directed such; more than a guarantee, this Entirety is inevitably terminating at its already preESTablished Stop.
    The presence in reality, of such folks .. who are
all ordinary folks, not specially gifted with  either a double cerebellum or a triple helping of genius DNA;
only inflicted & fooly loaded  with the glimmering, enticing lure of glory; greatness, immortality..
would make some Succeesfully becoming the bane;  misfortune, extreme bad luck of their nation’s people..
   The list of those who tried and died: or were TWEP’d, hence removed from history..without too much devastation & or unsustainable damage —
need be updated with a contemporary newer list.. of the present-day villains..
 LEADing (¿ leading?) their pitiable nations of huMans  down the garden path ..
mostly basic, simple, happy-go-lucky innocents (not saintly/angels, though) -  whose LIFE goals are just to have fun  —              
Would these, good pitiable folks, ever arrive HOME?

narratED to:
$împlé $iméøñé
circa 00o0

Free, YES; but.....