‹‹‹‹---›››› testimonials of the lives of rich & famous personalities - detailing how their fame & immense fortunes are arrived at by their obedience, and filial heeding of their doting grandmas' advice (seldom grandpas') on how to be industrious, to be persevering in the face of set-backs and other boring oBladi0BlaDatas [BORING -- due to repetitive unimaginative similarity in narrative details] -- oftentimes are accorded
such credibility; emphasis & regarded with such wondrous awe ; as to be adapted as certified guide to aspirants of how to succeed in Life
‹‹‹‹---›››› whilst tales of the lives of a
happy contented cobbler; happy fulfilled fishmonger;
happily satisfied-with-Life sheep herder
deliriously joy-filled janitor :
are rather ignobly side-stepped; disregarded; & relegated to the dust-bins of non-value?
SUCCESS is equated with material wealth - social elitism & arrogant self-conferred exclusivity..
And even if acquired via criminal enterprises: or association & complicity with elements of dubious integrity.. is lauded & regarded as THE guide for life's goal.
⁄⁄⁄ Of such are the precepts of impressionable minds conditioned ... subtly yet inflexibly shepherded along strict narrow pathways with praiseworthy success centered only on the time honored peaks of materialism & pride-filled elitism.
⁄⁄⁄Who of sound and common mind would be weird enough, eccentric enough, fatalistically inclined enough, to point aspirants on life's sojourn
to try a little less harder:
to take aim only at realistic non-high faluting goals
--to aspire to a peon in a village school,
a shop assistant of a tiny sundry shop, some other laid back, glamorless untrendy non intensive job as a village pastor ?
‡ Is it any surprise then that the future of huMan-kind has been predictably forecast as COMPLETE extinction via self destructive inter-nation inter-racial mutually fatalistic termination?
‡ How else would a community of living creatures; focused intensely; single mindedly on self servingly gaining top-dogHood; by the tenacious clawing, climbing over each others carcasses - un-remorsefully and as an accepted admired way of life.. end ?
other than as foregonedly predicted?
No need prophets with divine inspiration to so conclude..
Most fools with any semblance of intelligence could arrive at that inescapable unerring terminal..
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