
Life: Good..¿

            …after one's birth; for which one consented with the CREATOR : ~effectively negating the :
 “.. I never asked to be born..” retort to parents.    
And disenchanting the myth/boast/brag of parents efforts; with much sweat blood and tears, in honey-mooning one to life…
      &   as Murphy's Law would have it; when plans, ambitions, goals, almost everything, start to fail..

it often works best, for most  ••• to blame everyone     else •••
                          »»  ?  ««

: parents
: priest
: bank
: doctor
: boss
: PM
: spouse
: best friends forever
: siblings 
: police
: Uncle Sam

   ~~~~ EVERYONE ~~~~

since being an innocent bystander; onlooker; one never positively or negatively participated in any•everything
that's how the HAPPY fella found everywhere on this 
not HEAVEN yet
was formed.
The best non retaliating persona to blame
of course
G O D 

whom going by popular votes; few has faith in, anyway.


Happy Chinese New Year

saiko'd to
Gong Kiar Sai
circa 00o0


Find JOY —

.•. In HIS strength .•.

Nothing is more un-shareable  than

 Your   L I F E
all it entails.
            your  personal choices of everything;

 are gifted to you -  for you, only.
       That which is good — is for you.
That, not so good —  for you, too;   

 Yes, expect too, that which is dirty;
the fragrant & the blemished; 

the near perfect… so too the deformed; the ugly,  the unnice..
««»» EVERYTHING ««»»

That which fetches you to  tranquility:

     instills calm..  provides blissfulness;

     brings you close to happiness;

              seek these, on your own,
                                                           & for a spell, 

              bask in their soothing warmth..

            for these, they are all for you,


 None else

Other than HE, no one gifts you these..
 He gave  ALL you'd  ever need,
need HE be here too









Spooned into:
Oh Pern Mouff:



꧁༺AmBITion ༻꧂ ..

   how a C h a m p was UNravelled
...after Life was gifted [by Santa Clause?] with a chance to excel, 
{as one collective Race; homo sapient}
 the immediate next day...almost every individual is
encouraged, cajoled, motivated to be 
the Bé$†
the ONE
C • H • A • M • P
 syruptitiously  surreptitiously whispered
 into starry-eyed ears of every
about-to-be-french-fried Flies; by His highness Sir S.A.Tan
"..pssst,! Hoi, why chose be an ordinary nameless nonentity,
an unknown? neither rich nor famous ?
when you can be a Hero? Why stay Unhappy -- lose out?
when you could be the T•O•P gun, the big D•o•G, the WiññEr•  
 C H A M P?"
|||||||   |||||||
 this following is
            The whole TRUTH & nothing but the 
" .. and here .
  Lies the Grand LO  S  E  R ..
the Race called MÅN "

whispered to:
Tsai Koh TheRapist: