the objective in living seemingly
to make oneself attain high visibility
Be a Star
blinding ̷b̷r̷i̷l̷l̷i̷a̷n̷c̷e̷ ̷ glare
«« even notoriety »»
As long as maximum hits are generated on one's social media sites;
so long as THE focus
is on oneself
«» forever «»
Besides food, water, shelter; which are established essential, basic human necessities.
For many with that trendiness foremost in mind;
to be relevant
& be regarded as STAR quality
is even more essential
more than LIFE itself.
with countless many; willing to even discard that precious Divine gift
i.e. die
for a flash of
for which neither the worms;
nor maggots; are at all, even interested in
: the acquisition of these coveted :
Since no one has ever come across, or seen a maggot or a worm walking around wanting to be acclaimed as a
is in itself confirmation.
if maggots and worms are disinterested in THAT $tardom one so desparately seeks;
would the CREATOR be impressed ?
How one was conditioned into that mode --
was how the EAST •WEST• NORTH• SOUTH & elseANYwhere • was ̷W̷O̷N̷ ̷ Screwed
simple; unclear
easily ingested (baby-food)
fast trek shortcuts
to succcess(?)
- f a m e
- wealth
- glo r y
not ḛ͇̰v̰͇̰a̰͇̰ forgetting
- $tardom -
A place in History
What place
in whose History
with whom Till when
HOLYwood HOLYbollywood HOLYcnn
HOLYcna HOLYfoxnew HOLYmultiMedia
HOLYpropaganda HOLYmiss.information via HOLYhi-techNOlogic
HOLY ΓΌnstoppable W.W.W.
H- O - L -E in da ground
Who cares?
misin†erred to:
Krim A Ted:
circa 00o0